Christian Conservative
Jesus Christ is my Lord and personal Savior, and I will allow my faith to inform my governance. Christianity itself has inspired Western ethics, the republican system of government, and our Nation. We believe that our rights come only from God, not from the good graces of our leaders. Therefore, it is a Christian principle to defend our rights from anyone that would take them away.
God's word tells us that righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people! Sadly, this is sometimes forgotten. We must remember that the enlightenment and our Nation's values are driven by Christian thought, and that when we share a common idea of “goodness” we can live more freely, and with greater respect for each other’s other differences.
Simply, there is nothing offensive about wanting to share our Christian values or allowing these values to inform governance. As a legislator dedicated to God’s good word- I know that charity starts at home- and that government is not charity.
God to give us the wisdom to be leaders and to be used by Him to help turn this Nation back to God!